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AirControl 5000 CO2 instrument - Dostmann

AirControl 5000 CO2 instrument with data logger - Dostmann

AirControl 5000 CO2 instrument with data logger - Dostmann

Large display with History-func­tion for table- and wall mounting, inclusive USB-power supply, meas­uring range 0...5000 ppm, inclusive Micro SD-card, logger-func­tion save data in a CSV file on a Micro SD card (inclusive). Inclusive LED-display,indicate temper­ature, humidity and CO-concen­tra­tion.

Main features

  • Meas­uring range:
    0..5000 ppm
    5%...95% rF
  • Resol­u­tion:
    1 ppm (0-1000 ppm), 5ppm (1001-2000 ppm), 10 ppm > 2000 ppm
  • Accuracy: +- 50ppm or 5% whichever is greater, from 3000 ppm + - 7%
  • Dimen­sions: 120 x 66 x 33 mm
  • Weight: 103g (without power supply)
  • Dostmann electronic GmbH


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