Pulsar 80Cu portable block temperature calibrator - Giussani
The Giussani Pulsar-80Cu temperature calibrator is a compact instrument used to calibrate transducers and temperature-measuring sensors. The considerable size makes it suitable for test of thermostats with highlenght bulb.
The Pulsar-80Cu temperature calibrator consists of a metal block measuring diameter 80 x 300 mm heated by a resistance which winds around the outer surface of the block. A hole measuring diameter 60 x 275 mm is made in the block for the appropriate reduction inserts. The Pulsar-80Cu is equipped with a counter-current forced air cooling system, which keeps the temperature low in the upper part of the well; this system enables to check even very short probes, without heating the connecting head or the handgrip; it is equipped with a PID microprocessor controller with a resolution up to 0,01 °C, setting of the standard of measurement in °C, °F and K programming of ascent/descent ramps and storage of the thermostats’ operative temperature.
In the PULSAR-80Cu-2I version the instrument is equipped with an acquisition card having two adjustable inputs able to read: Pt100 3/4 wires & thermocouples: J, E, K, N, R, S with automatic compensation of the cold junction.